Thursday 4 February 2010

Wondering Artist

Wonder where I'll be next year, next month or even tomorrow, Where I am right now is where I need to be.

I am currently studying at the University West of England on the BA honor degree Drawing and Applied Arts into my second year. The course is full on and can be very over bearing at times, but like any work load we carry on going and see where we end up.

I cant help think that someone somewhere will end up tripping me up on what I don't know, Its like I work on the piece and have no real clue on how it came to this or even why. All I know is why I am working on the piece's I am in my element.

I have been drawing, creating, building and designing since I was very small, my love for art has never faltered. Studying Art and Design in GCSE ( these have been replaced by BTEC's and Dilpoma's) to further study A'level Art and Design, getting older I decided to return to full time study, gained a place on the Art and Design Access course, where I found the lecturer so up lifting and out of this world!! she really pushed the students into the next level, she has shown me true passion in ever sense of the word, Art is for feeling, displaying the emotional attachment, when a piece of art is displayed without any other purpose than because "we can" you can assume that there has been a whole lot of heart and soul put into it, its an emotional roller coaster ride, with plenty of ups but also some Downs, taking the rough with the smooth is what they say!

During the first semester we were working with curiosities, so I decided I'd work from the word cliche (how cliche). Butter flies in my stomach, pin's and needles, etc etc I wondered how if any they effect children when they had first heard such things, so wanted to incorporate the childish form around these cliche's

Not sure if these are liked or not I have had mixed feed back on these doll's, some think they are beautiful and others just think they are totally weird. What can I say if they had the impact of love or hate then I feel my work here is done x

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